On this month
Mothers Day & International Families’ Day: 12th May
We will hold a celebration at 4:30pm at Amigoss. All families are welcome, we hope to see you there!
National Sorry Day: 26th May
On this day we remember and acknowledge the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who were forcibly removed from their families.
Reconciliation Week: 27th May – 3rd of June
This year’s theme for reconciliation week is ‘More than a word. Reconciliation takes action.’ An incursion led by Warren Bridges and Kyara Nean will occur on the 27th at 3pm-4pm.

Making maths fun
“Numeracy is the capacity, confidence and disposition to use mathematics in daily life. Children bring new mathematical understandings through engaging with problem solving. It is essential that the mathematical ideas with which young children interact are relevant and meaningful in the context of their current lives.” Early Years Learning Framework (2009)
Last month the pre-schoolers worked on their numeracy skills specifically, their number recognition and formation. We’ve playfully incorporated numbers into our experiences using fun songs such as ‘the 5 little monkeys’ and outdoor games. One activity they particularly enjoyed was the car number tracing activity designed for the younger pre-schoolers to participate in. This activity required the children to follow the arrows within the number outlines using their cars filled with paint. This allowed them to practice their proper number formation in a fun and colourful way. The children enjoyed the experience as they discussed amongst themselves what numbers they had the colours they were using!
This fun and simple activity can be easily recreated at home!


Glebe Markets: Every Saturday 10am-4pm
Marrickville organic food markets: Every Sunday 9am-3pm
Family Green Time: 2nd of May 2pm-4pm, Centennial Parklands
Bluey’s Big Play Show: 19th -23rd of May, Sydney Opera House
SPanish Omlette

PREP: 10mins COOK: 50mins SERVES: 4
– 3 peeled potatoes
– 1 onion
– Extra-virgin olive oil
– 500g spinach
– 6 eggs
1. Dice potatoes and onion.
2. Heat large frying pan with oil, add potatoes and onion and let stew, partially cover for 30mins. Strain potatoes and onion into a bowl.
3. Beat eggs separately, stir into potatoes and onions and add spinach. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
4. Heat large frying pan again with oil and tip everything into the pan. Shape omelette using a spatula and continuously flip until egg is set.
5. Let cool before serving.
BOOKS review

These are My Hands | Jud Horacek
“There are so many things to play with and things to share and do!” Our babies have been exploring their senses particularly touch. This books vibrant colours and simple texts and illustrations has helped babies discover all the wonderful things our hands can do! Take inspiration from the colourful illustrations and create wonderful artworks with you and your babies hands at home!
Dear Zoo | Rod Campbell
“Lift the flaps and see what the zoo has sent…” Our toddlers have been loving this interactive animal book this past month. Their excitement as they attempt to guess what animal is hiding behind each crate and anticipation as they wait to see what perfect pet is waiting for them at the end! Don’t forget to ask your toddlers what their favourite animal from the book was!
Tabby McTat |Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler
“A heart-warming tale of friendship, loyalty – and kittens!” We follow Tabby McTat on a rollercoaster of a journey as he loses dear friends and finds new love. He is faced with conflicting decisions, will he choose his family or the busker?
FOCUS: Healthy Eating

Research has shown scheduling time to eat together regularly has more positive outcomes when it comes to health, family relationships and social development. Here’s some helpful tips for healthy eating and schedules mealtimes!
- Schedule Time to Eat Together – choose a meal that gives you the most time to talk and connect!
- Everyone Can Help Plan & Prepare Meals!
- Eating together is more likely to happen when everyone helps
- Involve kids in planning, shopping and preparing meals
- Cooking is a great way to connect and have fun
- Make Mealtimes about Being Together – Eating together provides a time to be connected. This helps children feel loved, safe and secure. Focus on enjoying each other’s company, not on what or how much each child is eating
- Model Positive Eating Behaviour – You are an important role model for good table manners, trying new foods and enjoying mealtimes. Children and youth are more likely to eat foods their parents and family also enjoy eating. Make offering new foods part of your regular mealtime routine.

Aboriginal dot painting
To encourage celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and peoples for reconciliation week at home, there are numerous experiences you can participate in. One fun arts and crafts activity to do at home is dot painting.
Using natural materials such as twigs, sticks and leaves from a garden you and your children can make wonderful dot paintings celebrating Australian animals and landmarks. Taking inspiration from our beautiful land you may choose to use rich earthy colours such as reds, browns, yellows and whites. Make sure to share any artworks you do with us!
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