Amigoss Preschool and Long Day Care Privacy Policy (extract)

Amigoss Preschool and Long Day Care Co-operative Limited ABN 54 866 248 590 is committed to protecting personal information in accordance with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 and Privacy Amendments (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.

Personal information includes a broad range of information, or an opinion, that could identify an individual.

Sensitive information is personal information that includes information or an opinion about a range of personal information that has a higher level of privacy protection than other personal information.

(Source: OAIC-Australian Privacy Laws, Privacy Act 1988)



Personal information will be collected and held securely and confidentially about you and your child to assist our Service provide quality education and care to your child whilst promoting and maintaining a child safe environment for all stakeholders.


Personal information and sensitive information we may collect and hold

Personal information our Service may request regarding enrolled children: child’s name, gender, date of birth, address, birth certificate, religion, language spoken at home, emergency contact details and persons authorised to collect individual children, children’s health requirements, immunisation records (Immunisation History Statement), developmental records and summaries, external agency information, custodial arrangements or parenting orders, incident reports, medication reports, Child Care Subsidy information, medical records, permission forms – including permission to take and publish photographs, video, work samples, doctor’s contact information, Centrelink Customer Reference number (CRN), or dietary requirements.


Personal information our Service may request regarding parents and caregivers: parent/s full name, address, phone number (mobile & work), email address, bank account or credit card detail for payments, Centrelink Customer Reference number (CRN), custody arrangements or parental agreement.


Personal information our Service may request regarding staff and volunteers: personal details, tax information, banking details, working contract, emergency contact details, medical details, Immunisation details, Working With Children Check verification, educational Qualifications, medical history, resume, superannuation details, child protection qualifications, First Aid, Asthma and Anaphylaxis certificates, professional development certificates, PRODA related documents such as RA number and related background checks.


Collection and Storage

Information is generally collected using standard forms at the time of enrolment or employment.

Additional information may be provided to the Service through email, surveys, telephone calls or other written communication.

Information may be collected online through the use of software such as CCS software or program software.


We treat private and confidential information with respect in a professional manner. We ensure personal information is protected in accordance with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 and Privacy amendments (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 We maintain personal and service information and store documentation according to this policy at all times. We ensure only families have access to the files and records of their own children. Recording information and photographs of children are kept secure and may be require at any time by the child’s parents or guardian. We will only store your personal information for as long as our dealings with you continue, or as otherwise required by law.


How we protect your personal information

To protect your personal and sensitive information, we maintain physical, technical and administrative safeguards.

All hard copies of information are stored in children’s individual files or staff individual files in a locked cupboard.

All computers used to store personal information are password protected.

Access to personal and sensitive information is restricted to key personal only.

Security software is installed on all computers and updated automatically when patches are released.

Any notifiable breach to data is reported.

All staff are aware of the importance of confidentiality and maintaining the privacy and security of all information.

Procedures are in place to ensure information is communicated to intended recipients only, example invoices and payment enquiries.


Access to personal and sensitive information

Personal and sensitive information about staff, families and children will be stored securely at all times. Families who have access to enrolment or program information online will be provided with a unique username and password. Families will be advised not to share username and passwords.



Our Service will only disclose personal or sensitive information:

– to a third-party provider with parent permission (for example CCS software provider)

– to Child Protection Agency- Office of the Children’s Guardian and Regulatory Authority as per our Child Protection and Child Safe Environment Policies

– as part of the purchase of our business asset with parental permission

– to authorised officers (for example public health officer)

– to the regulatory authority or an authorised officer

– as expressly authorised, permitted or required to be given by or required to be given by or under any Act or Law

– with the written consent of the person who provided the information


Correction, Complaints and Grievances

If at any time you believe that our record of your personal information is incorrect, please let us know. We will take reasonable steps to correct any errors or omissions in your information so that it is accurate, complete and up to date.

If a parent, employee or volunteer has a complaint or concern about our Service, or they believe there has been a data breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, they are requested to contact the Approved Provider so reasonable steps to investigate the complaint can be made and a response provided.

If there are further concerns about how the matter has been handled, please contact the Office of Australian Information Commissioner on 1300 363 992 or:

For any other general concerns, please contact the Approved Provider directly: Cesar Gomez, business manager/CEO. | 0403608932 – 02 9660 8157 Ext 2



Wherever it is appropriate and practical, we will give you the option of remaning anonymous when communicating with us.


Changes to our privacy policy

To keep up to date with the Australian Privacy Principles, we may change this privacy policy from time to time. We encourage you to visit our website to ensure you are aware of our current privacy policy.