Forms & Policies
All Early Childhood Education and Care services are required to have policies and related documents in relation to certain matters under Regulation 168 of the Education and Care Services National Regulations.

Amigoss Spanish Bilingual Childcare Policies
To comply with Regulation 172 about the Notification of change to policies or procedures (NSW legislation: Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011 SI 653), we have prepared this calendar to inform our families about the updates of the policies throughout the year. Parents can consult the full document or assist with the updates. To do so, you can send an email to or ask in Administration.
Notification of Cessation of Care
Please use this form if you wish to withdraw your child from the center.
As per terms and conditions, 4 weeks of notification is required.
Request for change of attendance days
This is an application form to change the days your child attends Amigoss Spanish Bilingual Childcare. It does not mean this change will be automatically granted. We strongly recommend to speak to Amigoss Director first to discuss the current availability.
Xplor Support
Get some help from the Xplor support team.
Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW) No 104a of 2010
The Education and Care Services National Law is applied and modified as a law of NSW by the NSW Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010. This version is the Law as it currently applies in NSW.
National Quality Standard
The National Quality Standard (NQS) sets a high national benchmark for early childhood education and care and outside school hours care services in Australia.
Terms and Conditions of Enrolment
Contractual Terms
Cooperative Membership Form
Would you like to help us to shape the future of our organization?
Become a member today.
Xplor Home - for parents
Learn to manage Xplor for parents.
Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011 SI 653)
This version of the legislation is compiled and maintained in a database of legislation by the Parliamentary Counsel’s Office and published on the NSW legislation website, and is certified as the form of that legislation that is correct under section 45C of the Interpretation Act 1987.
NSW Mandatory Reporter Guide
Follow the Mandatory Reporter’s Guide to selecting a Decision Tree that most closely aligns with the identified concern for a child or young person.
ChildStory Reporter
ChildStory Reporter is an online tool that supports mandatory reporters to decide how to respond to events and access the Mandatory Reporter Guide (MRG), if needed.
Reporter guides you through the reporting process, suggesting appropriate actions and linking you to more resources.